Saturday, April 15, 2023

Acton & Mrs. Raffald cookbook talks

Eliza Acton and Elizabeth Raffald are two British cookbook authors featured in talks this month, as are two collections - Longone Culinary Archives at U Michigan and the Jewish Food Society’s online archive.

Raffald's Chocolate Puffs and Acton's Clarified Marrow recipes.


For over 45 Cookbooks, authors and Manuscripts virtual taped talks over the past 3 years HERE

My favorite Raffald recipe is her Chocolate Puffs (my first blog post HERE ) -

Beat and sift half a Pound of double refined Sugar, scrape into it one Ounce of Chocolate very fine; mix them together, beat the White of an Egg to a very high Froth, then strew in your Sugar and Chocolate, keep beating it ‘till it is as stiff as a Paste, Sugar your Papers, and drop them on about the Size of a Six-pence, and bake them in a very slow Oven.
Raffald, Elizabeth. The Experienced English Housekeeper. London: 1786

Acton gave several clarified marrow recipes (I made this, post HERE) -

Take the marrow from the bones while it is as fresh as possible; cut it small, put it into a very clean jar, and melt it with a gentle heat, either in a pan of water placed over the fire, or at the mouth of a cool oven; strain it through a muslin, let it settle for a minute or two, and pour it, clear of sediment, into small jars. Tie skins, or double folds of thick paper, over them as soon as the marrow is cold, and store it in a cool place. It will remain good for months.
Acton, Eliza. Modern Cookery, 1845


Apr 16 Sun 4 What’s for Dinner? Menus and More from the Janice Bluestein Longone Culinary Archives at the University of Michigan. Juli McLoone, Curator. Culinary Historians of Ann Arbor HERE. TAPE HERE

Apr 23 Sun 1 Elizabeth Raffald, England’s Most Influential Housekeeper. Neil Buttery author Before Mrs. Beeton: Elizabeth Raffald, England’s Most Influential Housekeeper. Culinary Historians of Canada. HERE. Museum of Royal Worcester TAPE HERE

Apr 23 Sun 6-7:30 People of the Cookbook. “We have come a long way from the 18th-century kosher gourmet cookbook in German to the Jewish Food Society’s online archive.” Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Yael Raviv. New Lehrhaus. HERE . TAPE HERE
Jewish Food Society’s online recipes HERE.

Image: Raffald, Elizabeth. The Experienced English Housekeeper. London: 1786



©2023 Patricia Bixler Reber
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