Saturday, April 29, 2023

Coronation Banquets - Many images 1685, 1821

From 1189 (Richard the Lionheart) to 1821 (George IV) large coronation banquets were held in Westminster Hall. The former Prince Regent was such a lavish spender that the elderly William IV in 1831 did not have a large banquet, and neither did Queen Victoria, seven years later. A c1610 banqueting recipe manuscript and a ledger on the 1821 banquet are online.

The coronation of King Charles III will be at Westminster Abbey on May 6.

Click images to enlarge.

Banqueting sweets for a Prince of Wales from a recipe manuscript c1610 is a wonderful source. HERE

Coronation banquet, James II in 1685 by Francis Sandford, 1687 - The history of the coronation of the most high, most mighty and most excellent monarch, James II. Royal Collection images HERE. National Archives UK Details HERE. online book HERE
The Banquet at the Coronation of George IV 1821 by George Jones in the Royal Collection Trust HERE
Marie-Antoine CarĂªme is said to have done the 1821 banquet in some sources. The famous French chef did work for the Prince Regent at Carlton House and Brighton Pavilion's modern kitchens in 1816 for about nine months. He and his employers at the time of the coronation, Lord Charles and Lady Stewart, did not make the trip from Europe to London in time. "I was happy not to have been there... From what I heard it was the saddest, shabbiest affair... which my former colleagues from Carlton House has utterly miscarried..." Quote is from Ian Kelly's Cooking for Kings book, but he didn't footnote it, so I can't give a period source.

The Royal Collection Trust has detailed Georgian Menu books, one on the Coronation. “The first part of the volume is dedicated to the banquet for the coronation of George IV. It includes drawings showing the guests seating plan, the arrangement of food on the table with the lists of the dishes served; a final account of the provisions needed for the banquet including those for the servants' dinner. The second part of the volume contains bills of fare for Dublin and Edinburgh during the visit of George IV following his coronation.” PDF 128p HERE from the page HERE. Sample pages -

"Table on the Throne" (King's table)
"Westminster Hall Table A" (There were tables in other rooms listed in the book.)
Number of covers for all tables
George IV 1821 banquet, painting held by the Parliamentary Art Collection, more images and info HERE
First image, above, Coronation Banquet of James II and Mary of Modena, in Westminster Hall, 1685 by R Wilkinson c1793-1815 from Sandford in Royal Collection Trust HERE

Coronations at the Abbey. “Westminster Abbey has been Britain’s coronation church since 1066. King Charles III will be the 40th reigning monarch to be crowned in May 2023.” Page incorporating many links by Westminster Abbey HERE


May 31 Wed 9AM The Coronation Banquets of Three Kings… Richard III [1483], James II [1685] and George IV [1821] show the changing styles of Royal food over nearly 350 years. Dr Peter Ross. Guildhall Library HERE

May 4 Thu 2-3:15 Fit for a King - Ceremony and Feasting. “food served at George IV's Coronation in 1821 and selecting dishes you can try for yourself at home. Recipes” in workbook. Paul Couchman - The Regency Cook. £17.50 tape HERE


May 4 Thu 2-3:15 Fit for a King - Ceremony and Feasting. “food served at George IV's Coronation in 1821 and selecting dishes you can try for yourself at home. Recipes” in workbook. Paul Couchman - The Regency Cook. £17.50 tape HERE

May 7 Sun 6-7:30 Cook Across the Centuries: Recipes from Historical Cookbooks. “Cook a meal of dishes from Jewish cookbooks discussed in Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett: People of the Cookbook.” Jesse Yurow. New Lehrhaus. HERE . TAPE Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett: HERE. Jewish Food Society’s online archive: HERE.


©2023 Patricia Bixler Reber
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