Of Nib, a little Mouse,
Who took delight, when none were near,
To skip about the house.
And on the shelf she found
A Christmas cake, the top of which
Was by a castle crowned.
Was by a castle crowned.
You all have tasted Christmas cake,
Its currants and its spice;
And some, you know, have ornaments,
With suitable device.
The subject of the present cake
Was Windsor's mighty walls;
Was Windsor's mighty walls;
With turrets, windows, standard, too,
And entrance to the halls.
And entrance to the halls.
Why, here within such walls as these,
Thought Mousey, I could dwell;
And, should the cat lay siege to them,
Defend myself right well.
She gnawed right through the Gothic door,
And thus an entrance made.
For dinner they had turkey, goose,
So, with her little teeth, which served
For pickaxe and for spade,She gnawed right through the Gothic door,
And thus an entrance made.
And then the little folks all came
To eat and drink, and play.
To eat and drink, and play.
Roast beef, and roasted hare,
Plum-pudding, too, was there.
The dinner finished, wine and fruits
Were on the table spread;
And then the cake, where Mousey lay
When Windsor castle they behold,
Displayed upon the cake.
The turrets and the walls they view,
The cannon, too, admire
They scrutinized the cake, and wished
To taste a bit of it
Then John, as he the turret viewed,
With consternation cried,
"There's something-, I am sure, alive,
And moving, too, inside."
The children hunted high and low,
This merry mouse to find; To have a bit of fun with her,
They all appeared inclined.
The party then began their dance,
And singing then ensued;
And then came supper, with its cakes,
And very best home-brewed.
Well pleased was every one;
And hoped next Christmas day might beAs full of harmless fun.
For all agreed who, on that day,
Had visited the house.
They ne'er had seen such pleasure through
A pretty little Mouse.
For the entire poem click HERE
Christmas Cake/Black Cake posting with recipes HERE
©2012 Patricia Bixler Reber
What a fun post. I make a black cake at Christmas as well. Mine has wine and rum in it.
ReplyDeleteIs that a family tradition? Sounds delicious!