Elizabeth Goodfellow or Elizabeth Pearson or Eliza Cone or Mrs.
Goodfellow or even Betsy Goodfellow was “justly-celebrated” during her
lifetime in the Philadelphia area, but then was almost forgotten, since she
didn’t leave any records or write a cookbook. And the book Mrs. Goodfellow’s
Cookery as it Should Be doesn’t count. (see below) Her
student Eliza Leslie (1787-1858) used Goodfellow's recipes for the basis of her first very popular cookbook,but did not acknowledge the origin of the recipes, infact, she insisted the recipes were "original". Leslie went on to a very successful career and was not forgotten. (again, more below)
"Mrs. Goodfellow was a very respectable, ladylike person, who,
having been thrown on her own resources, opened a pastry cookery establishment,
which soon became famous.” From at least 1801, she was listed in the city directories as Eliza or
Elizabeth Pearson, pastry cook, then as Eliza Cone. After Coane died, she
married William Goodfellow, a Philadelphia clockmaker in 1808 when she was 40,
but he too died, ten years later. She
had two children - Sarah Anne Pearson Bouvier (1800-1826) from her first marriage,
and from the second, Robert Coane (1804-1877). [11]
Goodfellow owned a baked goods and confectionery shop for over fifty years, to support herself and her children. In the last few censuses, she was listed with her son and his family (or they with her) ‘over the shop’ at 71 South Sixth Street with many young workers lodging with them. Her obituary stated that Mrs. Elizabeth Goodfellow, 83, died on January 5, 1851 and the services were to be held at Robert Coane’s home. So, unless she was born on Jan. 1-4, she was most likely born in 1767, not 1768 as generally stated. [endnotes: 11, 18]
Goodfellow owned a baked goods and confectionery shop for over fifty years, to support herself and her children. In the last few censuses, she was listed with her son and his family (or they with her) ‘over the shop’ at 71 South Sixth Street with many young workers lodging with them. Her obituary stated that Mrs. Elizabeth Goodfellow, 83, died on January 5, 1851 and the services were to be held at Robert Coane’s home. So, unless she was born on Jan. 1-4, she was most likely born in 1767, not 1768 as generally stated. [endnotes: 11, 18]
Pastry cook, confectioner

Her lemon pudding (pie) was “well known at Philadelphia dinner parties.” It contained only perfectly beaten eggs, sugar and butter with no grated Naples biscuits or flour. Eliza Leslie claimed, in her later books, that Mrs. Goodfellow introduced the lemon pie (not exactly, more in my next post HERE)
Leslie also complimented her "excellently made" Spanish Buns. Mrs. Goodfellow made newer items such as cocoanut pudding and her notable old standards: puff paste (pie crust), Queen cakes, jumbles, plum pudding, bread and sponge cakes - "lighter than hers no sponge-cake could possibly be." [11,7,10]
Although never nationally or internationally famous, she was famed in her city and to her students. Philadelphians would long remember their favorites. A Philadelphia foreign correspondent in Europe, reporting for a Philadelphia magazine, wrote, perhaps nostalgically, in 1851 that “Mrs. Goodfellow's pastry-cooking, whose cocoanut pudding, for example, is equal to the best inspiration of suicidal and immortal Vatel” (1631-1671). [3]
According to city directories Mrs. Goodfellow moved her shop several
times in over five decades: 64/68 Dock street “near Second street, south side,”
134 South Second, and finally 91/71 Sixth Street “between Spruce and Pine
Streets.” She also changed her job title.
For thirty-five years and at the three locations, she was a “pastry
cook,” then she became a “confectioner” in 1837 and the shop was renamed E.
Goodfellow & Son (she was 69, Robert 32). When she personally was no longer
listed, by age 80, the store became Goodfellow & Coane. Generally she was listed as Elizabeth over
the years, except the four years she was Eliza Cone, and once, when she
appeared as Eliza Pearson in the listing and Elizabeth in the index of the 1801
directory. She may have been working or owned a shop before 1801 (actually 1800 since they collected the data the previous year, when she was about 33 years old) but several years are not currently online.
“Mrs. Goodfellow, who was for many years in this city, pre-eminent in
the art of cooking,” had a reputation for training her workers. In 1843, a rival Philadelphia baker advertised for “a journeyman
baker” stating that “one who has served time with Parkinson or Mrs. Goodfellow
would be preferred.” Her shop was robbed
in 1832, giving a reporter the chance to play with her name. A “bad fellow”
took the money drawer with ten to twelve dollars from “Good Fellow;” he was chased
and captured by a “good fellow.” [6,17,16]
Cooking school

“Her pupils were the
daughters of our best citizens,” recalled a sister of one of her students. Taking cooking classes was “considered then
the last touch to their education preparatory to entering society.” In addition to daughters of the local well-to-do, there were numerous boarding schools which attracted students from nearby states, or like Leslie, daughters of craftsmen and boardinghouse managers. After attending Mrs. Goodfellow’s classes “many a
household, for years after, bore evidence of her skill in teaching.” Some of her students may not have been as interested in baking and cooking as Eliza Leslie, who
later recalled that her “instructress, the late Mrs. Goodfellow, remarked, in
allusion to the dullness or silliness of some of her pupils, ‘It requires a
head even to make cakes.’" [11,1,6]
The students “gained a thorough knowledge
of cooking — from soups and the ‘Staff of life’ [bread] to plum-pudding and Queen
cakes.” “Her especial talent was in the
making of fine cakes and pastry, though she also gave occasional instruction in
the preparing of boned turkey, salads, and the like.” Another source stated “…boning
a turkey gave one a diploma at this celebrated school.” Mrs. Goodfellow, “the liberal and honest
instructress [felt] that her scholars should learn in reality." Thus, there
was actual cooking over the fire and in the bake ovens. Perhaps she had a
brick stew stove or confectioner’s stove. Each course must have been slightly different,
since Eliza Leslie wrote that she took two terms, and certainly would not have said
that if they were the same. [1,11,7]
Susan Israel (1790-1845), the daughter of Revolutionary War General
Joseph Israel from Delaware “graduated with honors” in 1807, and married Thomas
Painter in 1811. Her family had “widespread
appreciation of her recipes, all of which have been carefully preserved.” Many
recipes from her handwritten cookbook were included in Colonial Receipt Book: Celebrated Old Receipts Used a Century Ago by
Mrs Goodfellow’s Cooking School, however some recipes were added after her 1807 class, such as Delmonico Pudding and Mountain cake. [1]
Miss Leslie
Eliza Leslie later wrote that
she "was really a pupil of Mrs.
Goodfellow's, and for double the usual term, and while there took notes of
every thing that was made.” Her father,
Robert Leslie, a clock and watchmaker, like William Goodfellow, died in 1803,
forcing her mother Lydia Leslie (c1760s-1824) to leave their High Street home
two years later with the family to operate a series of boarding houses: first on South
Sixth, then Spruce Street in 1814, (one block north of Dock Street) and her
final two years at 1 Minor St. “Miss Leslie not only graduated among the highest, but she had the good sense to secure
her acquirements by taking notes.” Later,
she would write about the knowledgeable finished
students in one of her stories. “Luckily Albina is very clever at all such things, having been a
pupil of Mrs. Goodfellow.” [7,4,8]
Miss Leslie
Miss Leslie would gain fame and financial security stealing/using Mrs.
Goodfellow’s recipes and techniques, as the foundation for her first
cookbook. She mentioned her teacher in a few later books – although tellingly, not in the first one, and didn't write that she was her student until after
Goodfellow had died. Furthermore,
she had her first book published in Boston rather in Philadelphia where they both lived,
and where her brother-in-law Henry Charles Carey was a book publisher. In fact,
Eliza Leslie insisted in the introduction that the recipes were "original,
and have been used by the author and many of her friends with uniform
Shortly after Leslie's hugely popular book was published, Mrs. Goodfellow's classes stopped. Coincidence? Perhaps, or because the recipes' exact amounts of ingredients (so crucial in baking) of some of Goodfellow's most popular baked goods were no longer limited to those who paid for her class. It seems more personal taking recipes from your teacher than from stranger's printed cookbooks (the later was commonly done). just thinking...
But it is from Leslie's later remembrances, and others, that we know about the work of Mrs. Goodfellow.
Shortly after Leslie's hugely popular book was published, Mrs. Goodfellow's classes stopped. Coincidence? Perhaps, or because the recipes' exact amounts of ingredients (so crucial in baking) of some of Goodfellow's most popular baked goods were no longer limited to those who paid for her class. It seems more personal taking recipes from your teacher than from stranger's printed cookbooks (the later was commonly done). just thinking...
But it is from Leslie's later remembrances, and others, that we know about the work of Mrs. Goodfellow.
Cooking ‘maxims’
“The justly-celebrated Mrs. Goodfellow, of Philadelphia, always taught
her pupils to beat the whites and yolks together, even for sponge-cake; and lighter than hers no sponge-cake could
possibly be.” [10]
“One of Mrs. Goodfellow's maxims was, "up-weight of flour, and downweight of every thing else"—and
she was right, as the excellence of her cakes sufficiently proved….Therefore,
allow for a pound cake a rather small pound of sifted flour; a large pound of
the best fresh butter, a large pound of powdered loaf sugar…” [7]
Spanish Buns “were first introduced by Mrs. Goodfellow; and in her
school were always excellently made,
nothing being spared that was good, and the use of soda and other alkalis being unknown in the
establishment—hartshorn in cakes would have horrified her.” [7]
Like many cookbooks writers, Goodfellow stressed quality ingredients
such as “butter (the very best)” “fine large ripe lemons,” “fresh lemon” and “best
puff-paste.” [12,7,9]
Eliza Leslie’s recipes in her first book Seventy five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes, and Sweetmeats, were
mainly from her two terms with Mrs. Goodfellow.
Two years later a recipe for Mrs. Goodfellow's Lemon Pudding was among the American
recipes added to a Philadelphia 1830 edition of MacKenzie's Five Thousand Receipts... After she died, a competitor, Elizabeth Nicholson, included
“Goodfellow's Spanish Buns.—(Original Receipt.)” in her 1856 cookbook, and the
buns and Goodfellows Jumbles also were in Scott’s book, 1866. These and other cookbooks with recipes are
listed at the end of the post.
Mrs. Goodfellow recipes can also be found in two books compiled in 1907 submitted
by a few of her students' descendants, although some recipes may have been added to their handwritten collections long after the class. These
included cooking terrapins, mincemeat, sweet potato pudding, Floating Island, Swiss Cream, Boiled
Custard, Dove Pudding, Apple Pudding, Potato Pudding, White Potato Pie, Oxford
Pudding, Puff Paste, Mince Pies, Queen Cake, Cream cake, Plum Cake, Nut Cake,
Cocoanut Cakes, Rose Jumbles, Yeast Cakes, Drop Cakes, Potato Biscuit,
Barrington Rusk, Waffles, Preserved Citron, Cookies, Hickory-nut Macaroons, and
others. [2,1]
Several recipes of her famous Lemon Pudding recipes will be in the next
post HERE . “A genuine baked lemon pudding,
(such as was introduced by the justly celebrated Mrs. Goodfellow,) and is well
known at Philadelphia dinner parties, must have no flour or bread whatever. The
mixture only of butter, sugar, and eggs, (with the proper flavoring) and when
baked it cuts down smooth and shining, like a nice custard. Made this way, they
are among the most delicious of puddings…” [7]
(Mrs. Goodfellow’s) Cookery as it Should Be – don’t blame the author!
In 1856, a 324 page book written by a former student
of Mrs. Goodfellow was published as Cookery
as it should be: new manual of the dining room and kitchen, for persons in
moderate circumstances, and sold for 75 cents. It was reprinted many times, the last being
in 1865. The recipes were from a variety of sources: “experienced housekeepers
of the south,” friends returning from Europe with recipes, and original
recipes. She “experimented” with the
recipes, thus sounding modern and scientific rather than the usual ‘tried’ or ‘used’
with the family. The recipes used the
most up-to-date ingredients such as chemical leavenings and were “adapted to American
Although the publisher stated that the “lady was a pupil of the justly celebrated
Mrs. Goodfellow,” the introductory ‘publisher’s advertisement’ did not claim the book was Mrs. Goodfellow’s
recipes, rather, I think, it meant that the author had additional learning
in the field, an expert perhaps. And yet
the author was chided, then (by Leslie) and now, for straying from Mrs.
Goodfellow’s principles. Only one recipe
“A nice puff paste” was actually attributed (in the index, but not with the
actual recipe) directly to Mrs. Goodfellow.
In 1865 that all changed with the subtraction of a
few words and the addition of two, in the first and only edition by a different
Philadelphia publisher, T. B. Peterson & Bros. - Mrs. Goodfellow’s Cookery as it Should Be. The very important line “by A
Practical Housekeeper, and Pupil of
Mrs. Goodfellow” was removed in the second title. Furthermore, in the introduction “The lady
was a pupil of the justly celebrated Mrs. Goodfellow, who was for many years…” was
replaced by “They are by the justly
celebrated Mrs. Goodfellow, who was…” yet the rest of the paragraph remained
the same. This was definitely a ‘steal’ from the author (perhaps dead) by the
publisher and the book Leslie had a right to complain about… if she hadn’t died
in 1858 and Goodfellow in 1851. [13,14]
BUT. People in glass houses….. Leslie (whose recipes
I like and sometimes make) had a huge following and earned praise and money
(she spent much of her last decade living as a celebrity in the United States
Hotel) from her many cookbooks, and had, if we are frank about it, 'borrowed'
recipes and ideas from Goodfellow in that first book of 75 recipes and later ones. This was
not unusual. Some she had updated. For
all the complaints that the new 'Mrs. Goodfellow' book used alkalis, which was counter to “the
use of soda and other alkalis being unknown in the establishment” of Mrs.
Goodfellow, Eliza Leslie used them also…even in her first book, where more than a
few of the recipes called for pearl-ash or salaeratus.
Leslie’s Seventy five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes, and
Sweetmeats, 1828
Presumably Mrs. Goodfellow put the ingredients and amounts first, since Leslie listed them first in her cookbook, but reverted back to the more common paragraph
format in later works. “All the ingredients, with their proper quantities, are
enumerated in a list at the head of each receipt, a plan which will greatly
facilitate the business of procuring and preparing the requisite articles.” [9]
In an autobiographical letter to a friend when she
was 64, and after Goodfellow had died, Eliza Leslie explained why she compiled the book. “Truth was, I had a tolerable collection of
receipts, taken by myself while a pupil of Mrs. Goodfellow’s cooking school, in
Philadelphia. I had so many applications from my friends for copies of these
directions, that my brother suggested my getting rid of the inconvenience by
giving them to the public in print.” [5]
Endnotes [1,2…] sources of quotes;
*books with Goodfellow recipes - *
~ most of the following are online
*books with Goodfellow recipes - *
~ most of the following are online
1* Colonial Receipt Book:
Celebrated Old Receipts used a Century Ago by Mrs Goodfellow’s Cooking School. Phila: 1907 // many recipes from 4 students
* Coleman, Debbie. Cook Book: 1st volume. July 16th 1855 // Cocoanut Pudding, Jumbles
* Diamond, Becky Libourel. Mrs. Goodfellow: The Story of America’s first cooking school. Yardley, Pa: 2012. // many recipes
2* Famous Old Receipts used a Hundred Years and More in the Kitchens of the North and the South, Contributed by Descendants. 2d Phila: 1908 //Lemon Custard, Floating Island, Oyster Pye
3 Fry, William H. “The Paris Hippodrome.” Sartain's Union Magazine of Literature and Art. Phila: Dec. 1851
* Coleman, Debbie. Cook Book: 1st volume. July 16th 1855 // Cocoanut Pudding, Jumbles
* Diamond, Becky Libourel. Mrs. Goodfellow: The Story of America’s first cooking school. Yardley, Pa: 2012. // many recipes
2* Famous Old Receipts used a Hundred Years and More in the Kitchens of the North and the South, Contributed by Descendants. 2d Phila: 1908 //Lemon Custard, Floating Island, Oyster Pye
3 Fry, William H. “The Paris Hippodrome.” Sartain's Union Magazine of Literature and Art. Phila: Dec. 1851
4 Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell. Woman's
Record: or, Sketches of all Distinguished Women. New York: 1853
5 Hart, John Seely. The Female
Prose Writers of America. Phila:
6 Leslie, Eliza. Directions for Cookery, in its Various
Branches. Phila: Carey & Hart
(1837) in 1851 revised ed.
7* Leslie, Eliza. Miss Leslie's New Cookery Book. Phila: Peterson & Bros., 1857
8 Leslie, Eliza. Pencil Sketches; or Outlines of Character
and Manners. Phila: Carey, Lea & Blanchard, 1833
9* Leslie, Eliza. Seventy five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes, and
Sweetmeats. Boston: Munroe and
Francis, 1828
10* Leslie, Eliza. The Lady's Receipt-book: A Useful Companion
for Large or Small Families. Phila:
Carey and Hart, 1847
11 Levick, Elizabeth Wetherill Jones. Recollections of her early days.
Phila: 1881
12* MacKenzie, Colin. Mackenzie's Five Thousand Receipts in all
the Useful and Domestic Arts. Phila:
James Kay, Jun., 1830 impr & enl 5th
Am ed // Lemon Pudding, Orange Pudding. Copied by Godey's Lady's Book, 1874
*Mrs. Goodfellow Recipe Book. Clements Library. University of Michigan. HERE
13 Mrs. Goodfellow's Cookery as
it Should be: A New Manual of the Dining Room… Phila: T. B. Peterson & Bros., 1865 *Mrs. Goodfellow Recipe Book. Clements Library. University of Michigan. HERE
14* Cookery as it should be: a
new manual of the dining room and kitchen, for persons in moderate circumstances:
containing original receipts on every branch of cookery. Phila: W.P. Hazard, 1856.
//Puff Paste
15 National Era (Washington, DC) February 11, 1854
15 National Era (Washington, DC) February 11, 1854
* Nicholson, Elizabeth. What I
Know, or, Hints on the Daily Duties of a Housekeeper. Phila: Willis P. Hazard,
1856. // Goodfellow's Spanish Buns (Original Receipt)
16 Norfolk Advertiser. July 27, 1832.
17 North American and Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia) November 7, 1843
18 Public Ledger (Philadelphia) January 7, 1851
19 Schmidt, Stephen. “Mrs.
(Elizabeth) Goodfellow: Mrs. Goodfellow and Miss Leslie”
* Scott, Sarah E. Every-day
Cookery for Every Family: Containing Nearly 1,000 Receipts. Phila: H.C. Davis,
1866. // Spanish Buns, Jumbles
Philadelphia city directories; US Census; Ancestry.com, WorldCat
©2015 Patricia Bixler Reber
Researching Food History HOME
Marvelous research and thoughtful interpretation. I was googling around a group of recipes reprinted as "Copied from 1855 cookbook" (in Maine Cookery Then and Now, 1972, Rockland) found a reference to to the 1865 version of Mrs. Goodfellow's book, and then found your page. One recipe the Maine editors reprinted was Bacon Fraze, which is old enough in British usage to be Mrs.Goodfellow's --I will look in Eliza Leslie.
ReplyDeleteThanks. Check Elizabeth Ellicott Lea's Domestic Cookery 3d ed., many printings so the 1972 group could have had 1855 copy. She had a Bacon Fraise, very old English recipe. Been using Lea (and Randolph) since I moved to Maryland 25 yrs ago, so I've made this, tho I don't have my notes handy on this recipe for other authors similar recipes.