Saturday, May 25, 2024

World War I trenches - dining & baking

Memorial Day - never forget.

Soldiers had a rough time in the trenches, and civilians at home were asked to...
"FEED A FIGHTER Eat only what you need – Waste nothing – That he and his family may have enough" 1918.

Click to enlarge images. Upcoming online talks at end.

Baking bread for the fighters in the trenches. 1919

Making Bread for British Troops, Camp Scene, France.
Making Bread for British Troops. back of card. Photographed during war, published 1923
"...The long sticks with shovel-like ends which some of these men hold are the tools that they use to draw the pans of bread from the oven-like Aldershot ovens used by the British army for baking. This oven is built on the plan of an ordinary bean-hole. It resembles a small tunnel, blocked at one end. A roaring fire is built inside, the coals raked aside, and the bread put in and the oven sealed up. …"

The full poster for first picture "Feed a Fighter" 1918
All images from the Library of Congress


May 26 Sun 8-10pm A Century of Caesar’s Salad. Martin Lindsay. BACH Bay Area Culinary Historians HERE

May 28 Tue 12:30 Lords and common lands in England during the central middle ages. Hannah Boston. IHR The Institute of Historical Research HERE

May 28 Tue 6-6:30AM Rum series: Grenada. “known as the 'Spice Isle' due to the production of nutmeg, mace and other spices, and the country's volcanic soil and weather allows for sugarcane to thrive, which forms the base of many rums.” Renegade Rum Distillery Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) HERE

May 29 Wed 8 AM Canine Cultivators: A Brief History of the ‘Gardener's Best Friend’. Peter Robinson. The Gardens Trust £8 HERE

May 30 Thu 12 Lunch and Learn: Spices. Laura Scheck. Brooklyn Brainery $18 HERE

May 30 Thu 12:30 Food as Power/Food as Weakness: Courtly dining between pomp and poison. “a case of food crisis at the end of the reign of the "Great" Elector of Brandenburg-Prussia (1640-1688) following the death of his son, Ludwig.” Molly Taylor-Poleskey. IHR The Institute of Historical Research HERE

May 31 Fri 2 Food without Borders: The Spice Trade. “Middle Eastern cuisine. Learn about the uses of za’atar and enjoy a live cooking demonstration of baba ghanoush.” Omar Al Saife. AARP HERE

May 30 Thu 12:30 Food as Power/Food as Weakness: Courtly dining between pomp and poison. “a case of food crisis at the end of the reign of the "Great" Elector of Brandenburg-Prussia (1640-1688) following the death of his son, Ludwig.” Molly Taylor-Poleskey. IHR The Institute of Historical Research HERE

May 31 Fri 2 Food without Borders: The Spice Trade. “Middle Eastern cuisine. Learn about the uses of za’atar and enjoy a live cooking demonstration of baba ghanoush.” Omar Al Saife. AARP HERE

JUNE EVENTS -- Eastern time zone.

Jun 1 Sat 12:30-2 A Sweet Taste of African Heritage. Claire Richardson. Culinary Literacy Center HERE

Jun 1 Sat 1:30 The Past, Present, and Future of LA's Koreatown Restaurants. Matthew Kang and Emanuel Hahn. Culinary Historians of Southern California HERE

Jun 2 Sun 1 Tempeh and Mixed Cultures. Cultures.Group. HERE

Jun 10 Mon 8 THE EDITOR: How Publishing Legend Judith Jones Shaped Culture in America. Sara B. Franklin. Culinary Historians of Chicago. HERE TAPE may be HERE

Jun 11 Tue 6-6:30AM Rum series: Jamaica. “has the largest pot-still production in the Caribbean and creates a range of rums including the high-ester rums…” J. Wray & Nephew. Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) HERE

Jun 12 Wed 1 A History of Indigenous and African Maritime Cultures. New England & Africa. Akeia de Barros Gomes. AARP HERE

Jun 13 Thur 12:30 Cookbooks, Menus & Society. “Special Holiday Foods and Rituals Discovered in Jewish Cookbooks” (Jean Moats); “The airline menu as a cipher for social, socio-political and technological changes since 1929” (Dickon Weir-Hughes). IHR The Institute of Historical Research HERE

Jun 13 Thu 6:30 The Harlequin Eaters - Food inequity in 19th century France. Janet Beizer. Culinary Historians of New York $10 HERE TAPE may be HERE


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Researching Food History HOME

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