Upcoming talks at the end.
Banqueting sweets for a Prince of Wales c1610 blog post on online recipe manuscript with 4 page list of banqueting foods, many period paintings and TAPE of the talk also HERE
Prince Henry's sweet tooth? How to shop for a 1612 banquet and bring it alive in the present. Dr Sara Pennell. U of Warwick Food GRP HERE. Oc 20 2021 TAPE HERE or HERE. great details
Manuscript recipe book c1610 U of Indiana. Confectionary and cookery,comfeits prices - allmond confeits 16d, synamon and ginger 20d and ambergris or muscadines 4s; price of gold leaf and where to buy, and final 4 pages a listing Several sorts of sweetmeats fitting for a bankquett HERE
Interactive Book Symposium. Interacting with Early Modern Recipe Books. Renaissance Shortcuts books with moving parts [great]; Marissa Nicosia (Cooking in the Archives); Children’s Interactive Books in the 18th and 19th Cen; Selfing in the Postcard Album. NYU Libraries HERE Mar 5 2021 TAPE HERE
Creating Cookbooks: Networks of Recipe Readers and Writers in England, 1300–1700. Dr. Sarah Peters Kernan. The Institute of Historical Research (IHR) UK HERE Feb 18 2021 TAPE HERE
CoReMA (Middle Ages) symposium 2021 many tapes. The Culinary Recipe from the XIIth to the XVIIth centuries (Europe, Islam, Far East); Cooking with the Digital Humanities TAPE HERE
CoReMA Cooking Recipes of the Middle Ages. German, French, Latin recipes scanned, annotated and analysed. HERE
Interpreting Food Before ‘Farm to Table’. The four year project Before “Farm to Table”: Early Modern Foodways and Culture. Dr. Amanda Herbert (Folger Library). Digital Materialities Webinar series #6. Material Culture. Apr 12 2021 @LarcaParis HERE TAPE HERE
Behind-the-Scenes: Twenty Years of Julia Child’s Kitchen. Museum curators talk about “…collecting the kitchen from Julia’s home in Cambridge, Mass., and the ongoing exhibition and care of the collection.” Smithsonian National Museum of American History Dec 2021 TAPE HERE
Separating Fact vs. Fiction in the Life of Julia Child. Her first show “The French Chef” began on GBH in 1963. Panel: original producer Russ Morash, Julia's grand-nephew and author Alex Prud'homme, Bon Appétit and Epicurious Editor-in-Chief Dawn Davis. GBH May 2022 TAPE HERE
Julia Child and Company: Culinary Delights at the Schlesinger Library. Marylène Altieri. Nov 13 2020 TAPE HERE
A Tour of La Pitchoune, Julia Child's Home in the South of France. Smith College Mar 2021 TAPE HERE
Betty Crocker & Her Cookbook that Changed How America Cooks. Dr. Leslie Goddard. New City Library, NY Dec 7 2020 HERE TAPE HERE or May 2021 Facebook HERE
Philadelphia at the Table: Sleuthing the Paper Trails of Culinary History in Library Company Collections and Regional Archives with Dr. William Woys Weaver. The Library Company of Phila. Nov 23 TAPE HERE
Food History and Family Memory. “recipe books of Catherine Beck Van Cortlandt… family’s recipes embodied the self-generated Dutch-American cultural identity of the long Hudson River Valley.” Sara Evenson. Brookside Museum $6 Aug 12 2021HERE TAPE HERE
Healthy, Happy, Wholesome: Cooking and Wellness in Canadian History. cookbook themed digital exhibit. University of Guelph HERE
A Recipe for Subversion: How Suffragists Used Cookbooks to Fight for the Vote. HFSDV and Alice Paul Institute. Dan Macey and Lucy Beard. Aug 8 2020 TAPE HERE
All Stirred Up: Suffrage Cookbooks, Food, and the Battle for Women’s Right to Vote with Laura Kumin. President Woodrow Wilson House Oct 2 2020 TAPE HERE
Baking for Suffrage: How “Good Cooking and Sure Voting Went Hand in Hand.” NY State Museum. Facebook live tape 20 min. Aug 5 2020HERE TAPE HERE
Women in the Kitchen, Twelve Essential Cookbook Writers Who Defined the Way We Eat, from 1661 to Today. Anne Willan. Culinary Historians of Chicago. Nov 28 HERE TAPE HERE
What She Ate and Why I Wrote About It: Women, Food and Biography. Laura Shapiro. The Culinary Historians of Ann Arbor (CHAA) May 15 2022 HERE or TAPE HERE
Cooking the Books, Using Cookbooks to Think About the Past. “use cookbooks as a primary source in historical research.” Marie Pellissier. James Monroe’s Highland. Apr 4 2023 TAPE HERE
Cooking the Books: Vintage Cookery Books. “history of printed cookbooks and examining some of the stories of those who wrote them and the recipes that they contained.” Dr Paul Cleave. Crediton Library. UK. Dec 2022 TAPE HERE
Cookbooks, Democracy, and Nations. by author Kennan Ferguson. CHEW Culinary Historians of Wisconsin Jan 6 HERE TAPE HERE
Alice's Book: How the Nazis Stole My Grandmother's Cookbook. Alice Urbach (1886-1983) “cookery book writer, is forced to flee Vienna for England. Returning …in the late 1940s, she discovers that her bestselling cookbook is being published under a different name.” Karina Urbach. Leo Baeck Institute HERE. May 15 2022 TAPE HERE
What’s Cooking for Passover- The Cream Puff Challenge. “Melanie Meyers pulls from several of the Passover cookbooks found in our collections that document food trends for the holiday, along with decades of matzo distribution efforts of various mutual aid and charity organizations throughout history.” Sarah Lohman demo crème puffs, recipe. American Jewish Historical Society. Mar 24 2021 TAPE HERE
1000 Cookbooks Yiddish Gems from a Personal Collection. Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett. Yiddish New York 2020 Dec TAPE HERE
Antonin Carême: Mr. Nouvelle Cuisine of 1820. Charles Perry. Culinary Historians of Southern California Au 13 2022 HERE TAPE HERE
At the Present Time: Gender, class, politics, and the cookbook in Ireland. “Origins of the cookbook in Ireland and to some of recent publications by culinary historian Dorothy Cashman.” PhotoIreland Festival. Donation July 2021 HERE TAPE HERE
Website with stories, recipes, projects, more HERE
Mexico’s first female cookbook author Torres de Rubio "was not only Mexico’s first female cookbook author but also the first to publish a regional cookbook in her 1896 trailblazing work, Cocina michoacana.” Maite Gomez-Rejon. La Plaza de Cultura y Artes LA Mar 2021 HERE Facebook TAPE HERE Cocina Michoacana ckbk online HERE
The Kitchen Philosopher: Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz. A 17th cen nun who wrote Mexico’s earliest kitchen manuscript. Maite Gómez-Rejón. LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes TAPE HERE
Mexico's Early Cookbooks. “Mexican cuisine is recorded in the diaries of early Spaniards, colonial kitchen manuscripts and cookbooks published after Independence in 1821 through the 1910-1920 Revolution.” Maite Gomez-Rejon. Culinary Historians of Ann Arbor. Nov 2021 TAPE HERE
Cookbooks, Cuisine and Cultura. “culture, food and history as we explore the UTSA Libraries’ Mexican Cookbook Collection, the nation’s largest.” July 2020 UTSA U Texas San Antonio TAPE HERE
Indian Community Cookbook Archives. Printed, manuscript and audio/video. India. Timelines. Spacial mapping. HERE
Forbidden Knowledge: Medicine, Science, and Censorship in Early Modern Italy. By author Hannah Marcus. 16th -17th cen. The Grolier Club Dec 3 HEREPast TAPES HERE 1 1/2 hr;
Forbidden Knowledge: Medicine, Science, and Censorship in Early Modern Italy. Author Hannah Marcus. Rare Book School. Andrew W. Mellon Society of Fellows in Critical Bibliography. NV 18 HERE TAPE HERE
Culinary Tales for Your Ails. Chrissie Perella. Historical Medical Library’s collection of recipe books. The Mütter Museum of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia Oct 6 HERE / TAPE HERE
Se 1 Wed 2&7 Representations of Health in the World of Jane Austen. “William Buchan’s Domestic Medicine, the most popular domestic health handbook 1769… health as shown in the social exchanges in the world of Jane Austen in her novel Emma and other novels” Julie Miller. History Indoors UK HERE. TAPE HERE
What's Cooking? “important cookery books and food- and drink-related ephemera offered California Virtual Book Fair. Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of AmericaHERE Mar 4 2021 TAPE HERE
Manuscript Cookbooks and their Audience...books written for an audience, many of their puzzling features are illuminated. ... messages relayed by inscriptions; the use of printed-book features such as pagination and indexes;...and the rationales for borrowing recipes from print. Steve Schmidt. New York Academy of Medicine Library. Jan 30 HERE TAPE HERE
Jewish Food: Claudia Roden and Simon Schama. Hebrew Manuscripts exhibition in British Library. £5.00 Sept 21 HERE TAPE HERE /
An 18th Century Cooking Challenge: Exploring Hannah Bloomfield’s Cookbook. Her handwritten recipe manuscript. Carrie Blough. DAR Museum. 2019 TAPE HERE
I’ve done several blog posts such as Medical and culinary manuscripts digitized at the New York Academy of Medicine (NYAM) and the Manuscript Cookbooks Survey project HERE, Medieval manuscripts digitalized HERE, Ben Franklin’s handwritten recipes in French HERE, and Transcribing digitalized manuscripts from home. HERE
Manuscript Cookbooks SurveyHERE
Folger Shakespeare Library recipe book transcriptions HERE and a list of recipe books HERE
New York Academy of Medicine Library digital manuscript cookbooks collection HERE
Medieval Life: European Manuscripts in Philadelphia Collections exhibit at Free Library of Philadelphia is online HERE
Wellcome Library 16th-19th cen medicinal and culinary recipes manuscripts HERE
Oct 2-12 12 talks Food and the Book: 1300-1800. Folger and Newberry libraries. HERE
Cooking By the Book: A Conversation with Chefs and Authors. Opening of Food and the Book: 1300-1800. Newberry and Folger libraries Oct 2 TAPE HERE
Cookbooks and Recipe Books Food and the Book: 1300-1800. Folger and Newberry libraries. Oct 2 TAPE HERE
Documenting Food History in Archival Sources Food and the Book: 1300-1800. Folger and Newberry libraries. Oct 3 TAPE HERE
European Views on Indigenous American Foods Food and the Book: 1300-1800. Folger and Newberry libraries Oct 5 TAPE HERE
Race and Food in the Early Modern Book Food and the Book: 1300-1800. Folger and Newberry libraries. Oct 5 TAPE HERE
Spiritual Eating: Food in Early Modern Conversion Narratives Food and the Book: 1300-1800. Folger and Newberry libraries. Oct 9 TAPE HERE
Literary Ecologies: Textual and Poetic Representations of Food Systems Food and the Book: 1300-1800. Folger and Newberry libraries Oct 10 TAPE HERE
Digitizing Food in the Book Food and the Book: 1300-1800. Folger and Newberry libraries. Oct 10 TAPE HERE
Apr 16 Sun 4 What’s for Dinner? Menus and More from the Janice Bluestein Longone Culinary Archives at the University of Michigan. Juli McLoone, Curator. Culinary Historians of Ann Arbor HERE. TAPE may be HERE
Apr 19 Wed 2:30 The Language of Food - Eliza Acton. author of biographical historical novels Annabel Abbs. National Archives UK £5-15 presale HERE
Apr 23 Sun 1 Elizabeth Raffald, England’s Most Influential Housekeeper. Neil Buttery author Before Mrs. Beeton: Elizabeth Raffald, England’s Most Influential Housekeeper. Culinary Historians of Canada. Pay-as-you-may HERE or soon Eventbrite HERE Also Ap 26
Apr 23 Sun 6-7:30 People of the Cookbook. “We have come a long way from the 18th-century kosher gourmet cookbook in German to the Jewish Food Society’s online archive.” Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Yael Raviv. New Lehrhaus. HERE . TAPE may be HERE. Jewish Food Society’s online recipes HERE.”
April 26 Wed 2 The Extraordinary Life of Elizabeth Raffald. “The Experienced English Housekeeper. Published in 1769, it ran to over twenty editions and brought her fame and fortune. But then disaster; her fortune lost, spent by her alcoholic husband. Bankrupted twice, she spent her final years in a pokey coffeehouse in a seedy part of town.” Neil Buttery author Before Mrs. Beeton: Elizabeth Raffald, England’s Most Influential Housekeeper. HERE Apr 23 CH of Canada
Image: Glasse, Hannah. Art of Cookery made Plain and Easy 1747
©2020 Patricia Bixler Reber
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