Work one heaping tablespoon of butter into a cup of corn meal, a cup of flour, two teaspoons of sugar, and a teaspoon of salt. Add enough water to moisten but not to wet it enough to make it crumble. Spread on a floured board and beat with a masher for twenty minutes, folding it over often. Roll out a half-inch thick, cut in rounds, prick with a fork and bake in greased shallow pan.
American Indian Corn: (maize) a cheap, wholesome, and nutritious food, 150 Ways to Prepare and Cook It. by Charles J. Murphy. Formerly Commissioner for the State of Nebraska. NY: 1917
"Millions of people in America are earnestly seeking a way to "do their bit" toward winning the war. Here is a simple solution of the problem: Eat Corn Bread! This is an initial step toward efficient food conservation.
In 1917, Congress sent out another corn message, this time to the American people. This message urged the use of corn meal— converted into some of the palatable oldfashioned dishes—on our tables at least once a day, to release most of our wheat crop for the sustenance of the Allied armies."
Another book published during the war to save wheat by using corn:
The Corn Cook Book [WAR EDITION] Elizabeth O. Hiller. New York: 1918 "Save the wheat" is the call that has been sent out from Washington to the housekeepers of America. In response to this urgent plea, this new War Edition of the Corn Cook Book containing 200 recipes has been compiled, showing the various ways that this valuable cereal can be utilized so as to save wheat for ourselves and our Allies.
©2011 Patricia Bixler Reber
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